You're belike look-alike me. As a wee bairn you wished-for to be an astronaut, a merchandiser (ahem) or a pop star. And whilst I and some of my people have so get astronauts and selling managers, no one from Norton Comprehensive has, to date, suffering the 'hit parade'. It's in all likelihood for the cream of the crop.
Apparently slackly supported on fact, 'Kill Your Friends' is all reason you ever needed to not trouble attempting a trade as a pop/rock public figure. It's a sex-and-drug-fueled fictitious rationalization of the music industry during 1997 - its most undue era - from the orientation of Steven Stelfox, an A&R man (talent security guard) for a leading narrative label.
Stelfox in a flash emerges as a talentless, racist, misanthropic, misogynistic bigot, continually on the threshold of a consequence that ne'er pretty turns up, and on the other hand you marvel at the immoderation he'll go to (murder, fraudster - I could go on...), you'd ne'er exchange places. Graphic depictions of rumpo and narcotic treat roughly abound, but they're ever depicted near specified tragic deprivation that it from time to time leaves you desire for the existence you never had.
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'Kill Your Friends' is habitually jaw dropping, predominantly detestable and continually a scream. Every fry old 16-25 should be ready-made to read this photograph album because, no thing how consummate you are (or focus you are), your chances of production any income in the music industry are, at best, microscopic. Take both counsel from a one-time pop name and spaceman - forget it and reduce on getting a nice job in selling as an alternative.
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